Published on Jul 23, 2023
Important Notice


I hope you are done with Form filling Now! 

We had Given you break for Last 2 Days For you so that you can focus on your form filling but we are lagging Lecture of 4 Days till Now. 

You will have to again focus on CAP Rounds on 25 JULY, So I was planning to Post 2 Lectures Today and Tomorrow so that we wil complete syllabus on time. 

Today & Tomorrow will have 2 Lectures per Days First Lectures will be post at 1:00 PM & Another on our Regular time 8:00 PM

Just don't worry lectures will be short not more than 25 mins !! I Hope you will enjoy. 

Note :- One small test will be posted at 2:00 PM Give it a try don't think of score just give your best your score wont matter more for me just I want you all to attend the test. 

Thank you❤